keskiviikko 14. huhtikuuta 2010

Knitter's block

When the spring comes, my needles stop. Nothing happens. Yarn doesn't flow. New patterns do not tempt. Sometimes, crocheting steps in, but that hasn't happen yet. I can't do anything but just wait the inspiration to emerge.

I added instant voting buttons below my blog texts. "Cool!" means that you truly love what I've been doing, "What?" means that you did not understand a word and "No..." means that you disagree and can't believe how stupid I've been. Please comment my happenings by voting!

Things that have enlighten my days:
  • A few difficult tasks that I have managed to complete at work.
  • Warm and sunny spring days
  • Letters from our soon-to-be-exchanger

1 kommentti:

  1. leveile nyt toimivilla nappuloillas :) Mä en tajua, miksei mun toimi. Saat joskus jos osutaan saman koneen ääreen auttaa.
