torstai 3. maaliskuuta 2011

My crafty roots

If you grow up surrounded by yarn, carpet rag, needles and weaving accessories, what else can you become than a knitter? I visited my birth home where my mum still lives, knitting and weaving. And where my grandma used to live, knitting and weaving. 
My grandma taught me to crochet when I was 5 or 6 years old. I only learned to knit at school. I still remember how sweaty my hands were, how tight my gauge was, how ugly colours I had, and how awful projects I made. Considering that, it's a miracle that I still knit.

My grandma Elsa and her neighbour Aale were knitting buddies. During the Second World War, they took care of the farms, kids and animals and knitted socks for their husbands at frontline. After that, they still had to knit to keep their families warm. But at the 1970's, they probably knitted and wove only for fun. If Raverly would have existed then, they would have been first to join!
Things that have enlightened my week:
  • Week of winter holiday
  • Skiing and sledging with my mum and daughter
  • Bright spring sun

1 kommentti:

  1. Noi näyttää niin kodikkailta, mä olen kasvanut mummon kangaspuiden alla ja kävyt oli aina niin ihania. Onneksi sain aina laittaa kuteita niihin :)
