Then, one of us (that is me) got bored of it, and simply ask: Is there anything we can do to this room? And voilá, miracles happen! First came removers, then a carpenter, a painter, cleaners, designers and electricians, but no supervisers who would have said what is allowed and what is not. And today, the makeover is finished. I'm so sorry that I did not took any 'before' pictures, but here's how it looked 'after'.
In the one end of the room, we have a big and tall table with fun and colourful chairs:
In the other end, we have a cozy group of comfortable chairs, a sofa and a rocking chair. And a big screen and a design lamp to inspire us:
For some reason, this layout encourages people to move: in every meeting, someone starts to walk around the room, stands up or changes places. That must only be a good thing! Anyway, this is soooo much better now than before!
Things that have enlightened me this week:
- My birthday
- A surprising call with a surprising message from a surprising person
- The spring sun, brighter than a bright!