lauantai 1. lokakuuta 2011

Conscious Knitting

I have not bought any yarn this year. 9 months without a single new hank of yarn. And what is even more surprising: I'm enjoying every second of it. I going to continue till the end of this year (as originally planned) and far beyond, until I can't knit anything interesting from the remaining stash.

9 months ago, I had 15 kg of yarn, I did not fully realised what I had, and I did not like the half of it. Now, I have approximately 10 kg of yarn, I have several forthcoming projects in my mind and I have used a lot of yarn that I wouldn't have knitted otherwise. This doesn't mean that I've knitted 5 kg of yarn this year. I gave at least 2 kgs to a local elementary school for their crafts project.

During this time, I have visited many yarn shops, both LYSs and others. I have spent hours in knitting in one local shop. I love to fiddle with those wonderful colours and feel the softness of new yarn, but I do not feel tempted to buy any.

Another challenge that I have put to myself is that I have to knit something wearable for myself. I've been knitting for almost 30 years now, but I still don't have any good-looking, self-knitted cardigans, pullovers or vests to wear at work. Currently, I'm knitting a cardigan and a pullover at the same time (that's another mistake: always focus only on one project at the time!), and I still have at least two sets of yarn for cardigans. Still, my next project will be Revontuli, the Finnish classic made of Estonian wool.

Buying yarn seems to be the only area of life that I have a good self-control. But, as my dear friend said: as long as you have sweets at home, you don't need to buy any.

Things that made my day:
  • Cleaned house
  • Home-made dinner
  • Sunny and exceptionally warm weekend