sunnuntai 27. joulukuuta 2009

My new toys!

It seems that Santa knows I've been a kind engineer this year, since I got so many nice and technical Christmas presents. And I even bought some nice presents myself. I gave my husband The Block lamp. It is such a beauty! It reminds me of a big ice block and still it's light is very warm.
For a few years I've wanted to have an iPod, and now I got it! I love the way it combines my own favorite music with podcasts and live radio. I'll carry it everywhere! And then, there is my Blobo - a new Finnish innovation, a poor man's Wii that makes you run, jump, squeeze and laugh! A funny little ball indeed!
And last but not least, here's my new blue Royal yarn ball winder (see review here)! Oh boy, with it I'm becoming a yarn snob :) My dear Mom had listened me carefully and fulfilled my wish.
Things that have enlighten my Christmas:
  • peaceful and silent days with my loved ones
  • dimmed lights and a lot of candles
  • Christmas scents: chocolate, cinnamon, Christmas tree, hyacinth

sunnuntai 20. joulukuuta 2009

Anastasia socks

Malli: Pepperknit's Anastasia
Lanka: Regia Hand-dyed effect
Puikot: 2,5 mm
Mitä opin: Kokeilin ensimmäistä kertaa kantapäätä lyhennetyillä kerroksilla. Olin vähän skeptinen tämän suhteen, varsinkin kun kantapään aloituskohtaa oli tosi vaikea määrittää. Tekniikka toimi kuitenkin loistavasti, ja se tuottaa tosi tiiviin ja reiättömän kantapään, jossa ei ole yhtään reikää. Tätä kokeilen vielä uudestaan!

Mitä hyvää ja mitä huonoa: Lanka on periaatteessa ihan jännä, mukana on yksi musta (akryyli?)säie, ja muuten lanka on hyvin löysäkierteistä. Se teki neulomisesta vähän haastavaa, kun piti olla tarkkana siitä, että lanka seuraa koko ajan kokonaisena mukana. Lanka on aika löperöä ja sukasta tuli vähän liian iso. En oikein osaa koskaan tehdä oikeaa kokoa.

Kuvausrekvisiittana ovat Hiisan antamat sukkaplockit, nyt ensi kertaa käytössä! Ovat ne kätevät kuvauksessa, vaikka nyt sukista tuli niin väljät, että niitä piti vähän nuppineuloilla pingotella plockien taakse, että olisivat näyttäneet edes joltain...

English comments on Ravelry.

Things that have enlighten my day:
  • A vistit to an old friend
  • Slow morning
  • Forthcoming Christmas

torstai 17. joulukuuta 2009

Busy days

Ohh, life is too full right now. Work is more demanding than ever, the work projects are bigger and more complicated than ever and new project proposals keep coming endlessly. At the same time, the PhD studies are taking more and more of my free time. For a long time, I'm actually interested in studying and would like to do it more. No wonder, my family has faced a tired and angry mom and wife lately...

Not to mention Christmas (only a thought of it raises my stress level). I've tried to make the Christmas preparations as simple as possible (get the presents early enough, use ready-made pastries for baking, clean the house in small sections, no need for new Christmas decorations). All in all, you don't need a big fuss to get the Christmas feeling.

And what comes out of all this: No knitting.

Things that are enlightening my day:
  • Early morning (6.30 am) water running with a friend
  • Two Christmas cards from research partners
  • Christmas Party at daughter's school this evening

torstai 3. joulukuuta 2009

Brown is the new red

I made the Christmas cards early this year. I've always made my cards myself, and I appreciate all the selfmade cards I receive. This year, two different decorative papers leaded me to make brown cards. A golden braid adds a little bit bling to the cards.

The music-paper is of Silent Night.

In addition, a picture of a Christmas card a few years back. It's a snowman's statement against global warming (Lämmintä joulumieltä means "Have a warm Christmas spirit")...

Things that have enlighten my day:

  • Pale winter sun and frosty trees
  • Emphatic co-workers
  • A friend that had bought the two of us the tickets to a rock concert for tomorrow! JEE!

keskiviikko 2. joulukuuta 2009

London, here I come!

After some difficulties I managed to get the Knit Nation tickets to all the classes I wanted! I almost gave up hope when online shop opening was delayed twice and today I was busy working all day. Finally, in the train from Helsinki, I managed to contact the shop via my mobile, did not lose the connection and booked the tickets! Wow - I'm so excited! It's awesome to meet Cookie A, Nancy Bush and all the others! Even my family is happy waiting for their holiday trip to London and three adventurous days there while I'm knitting!

It's been so dark and rainy that I couldn't have taken any pictures. Still, there are some finished projects waiting to be reported. I'll get back to it later.

Things that have enlighten my day:
  • Two intensive and innovative meetings with inspired and inspiring people!
  • Crisp and frosty weather
  • Easily found Christmas presents